Simple Future (Active)

-The search for a more peaceful brand of Islam gives Indonesia the opportunity to promote Islam Nusantara globally. Already there are supporting elements for Indonesia to consider it a form of soft power diplomacy: Islam Nusantara as the guardian of pluralism and minorities is a proven model to counter religious extremism and radicalism; as a value system, it promotes coexistence with local cultures where it is embraced, and often benefits from local wisdoms; promoting Islam Nusantara will benefit from the NU’s overseas special chapters in 27 countries, including Australia, Belgium, and Canada; and the International Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders, which the NU leads, is pivotal in promoting Islam Nusantara abroad.

-The Religious Affairs Ministry will hold an isbat (confirmation) meeting with various Islamic organizations this afternoon to decide the first day of Idul Fitri.

-Ahmad Suryana, a communication staffer at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta, told journalists on Monday that the embassy had yet to make any comment about the ambassador's tweet. "We will let you know tomorrow," he said. (evi)

Simple Future (Passive)

-Arifin previously underwent treatment in Penang as well as Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. He will be buried around Az Zikra Gunung Sindur mosque area in Bogor, West Java.

- But sadly it will be rejected by some potential buyers put off by sloppy English, even on the back cover blurb: “Not much people know that Gus Dur wrote many reliable and high-quality articles […] [he] does not simply reject negative ideas about Islam, he also proposes and advocates positive ideas about on the other hand”.

-The ban also targets other items that hide the face such as balaclavas and false beards. Repeated violations will be fined up to 10,000 kroner.

Future Perfect ( Active )

          High Hindu, poor Muslim growth 
Scenario assumes Hindu growth rate increases at best ever pace, similar to pattern seen in 1971-81 period.  Muslim growth rate is assumed to decline  similar to its  worst ever phase (2001-2011).  But population will have to exceed UN projections for this to happen.

On completion of this course you will have gained knowledge and understanding of several religious traditions. You will have thought about what a religion is and how to approach learning about it. You will have studied the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, the development of Christian doctrine in its historical context, and the thought of modern theologians. In doing so you will be required to study a wide variety of texts, which will develop your critical, analytical and comparative skills. You will also acquire competence in at least one of six languages and should find that being able to read sacred texts in their original language is a deeply satisfying experience.

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